Monday, March 23, 2009
The End of Blogger
Friday, March 20, 2009
And the winner is...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Apology to all my loyal fans
That post was only half of what I meant it to be. After what you see there I was going to post "This is what Steve did tonight" and show you the video of him using his new Neti Pot.
Unfortunately, the video wouldn't upload and I ended up with half of a post.
Not that you want to watch water dripping from my husband's nose anyway.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Basket Cake
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pizza Time!
First things first, toss out your favorite pizza crust recipe into a disk to form your crust.
Thanks, Steve, what a fantastic demonstrator you are. And that apron makes you look as good as this pizza is going to taste.
Next you'll want to fill your food processor with some fresh spinach and pulse until its finely chopped. Throw in about 3/4 cup of cottage cheese, along with some minced garlic, basil, and oregano. You know how much you like these, add to your own preference.
Pulse until you get a smooth pale green sauce. The cottage cheese will have become more of a ricotta texture. Spread on your crust, but leave a fairly wide edge.
If you want to add some portabellas to your pizza, now is a good time to remove the stems and chop them to your desired size.
Brush the fungi with some olive oil, and while you're at it brush some on that edge of your crust you left bare.
Sprinkle heartily with mozzerella cheese, top with a little chedder and asiago if your heart desires. When it comes to cheese my heart always desires.
Sprinkle some finely grated asiago or parmesan cheese on the oiled edges of your crust. If you have any doubts about how fantastic this will be please throw them out the window and try it. Trust me.
Add your mushrooms, a little more cheese, perhaps, and some coarsly ground black pepper. Sniff and enjoy the aroma.
Bake in a preheated oven at 400° for 10-14 minutes. When the cheese is melted and the crust is lightly browned and your house smells like heaven it is done. Remove, slice, wait 2-3 minutes so you don't burn the roof of your mouth.
Enjoy! Tell me how you like it so I know if I should keep creating recipes for your personal enjoyment.
But I will, anyway... for mine.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Whoa, not what I meant!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Introduction to Lying

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Raising a Large Family
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
More Replacing Electronics

Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009
New Computer!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I Need to Learn HTML
You see that widget on the side for "Martha Stewart's Cookie of the ....."? It is supposed to say Day, as I'm sure you realize, but I can't make it work so you can see the whole thing. Alas... Also, I want tabs! I want better picture options! Check out The Pioneer Woman's Blog. Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it make you want to abandon my silly blog forever? Sigh..
Anyway, the point of all this nonsensical whining is to let you know that SOMEDAY that will be me! I'm going to figure all this HTML garbage out, I'm going to have my own computer (hopefully tonight!!!) and I'm going to rock the heck out of this blog business, just you wait!
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Perfect Time

For Valentine's Day I got the most comfortable robe in the world. Not only is it what you would find in Webster's to define "plush" and "warm," it is also BRIGHT red. Happy, cheerful, "Good Morning!!" red.
This robe has caused some significant life changes for me.
My morning routine used to be this: Get up, stumble into my (somewhat boring) robe, head downstairs for scripture study with the family, stumble back up the stairs, and back into bed. Eventually I would get back up, head to the bathroom and race the clock to get ready before I'm late to work. No more!
Now I wake up, put on my soft new robe, and luxuriate in its warm embrace. No more getting back in bed. No more hurrying into my clothes when I'm done showering. Now I sit and read a book, or check my e-mail and do a little writing. Morning has become the perfect time of day.
I'm more productive, I'm more cheerful, and I have more energy. Not to mention I am taking a little time to myself each day and it seems to be doing wonders for my attitude.
I highly recommend you each evaluate your robe and see what you can do to increase its wearability. Let me know how it goes.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Responsibility, what's that?
When I ask, "have you done your homework?" the answer is always "yes." I avert my eyes when they hide a note from the teacher stating they have some missing assignments.
When I was asked to "house-sit" I was told not to worry about the kids, except to make dinner and occasionally ask if they did their homework. They can be home alone, I don't need to spend my time here, but please make sure they have something for dinner.
When I wonder to myself, "Is this normal?" I hear a resounding "NO!" But then I remember the money... Its ridiculous what 2 newlyweds trying to get out of debt will do for money.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Leavenworth and House-sitting
Steve and I had a fantastic Valentine's weekend in Leavenworth, it was soooo beautiful. We stayed at the Howard Johnson inn, which turned out to be as good as staying at a bed and breakfast. They had a king sized bed, a great shower, a fireplace, fridge, and microwave... and we didn't hear our neighbors! I definitely recommend it.
About a month ago, the Englund family from our ward asked me if Steve and I would be interested in house-sitting this week. We were excited to say we were interested. Then they told us they were leaving the kids here... not exactly house-sitting. But we are here, and I think we'll have a good time. I have to stay up an hour later at night to make sure the kids get to bed, and I have to be up by 5:30 to make sure they get ready for school, but that might just make me realize I'm sleeping too much and that is why I'm tired all the time... maybe.
Anyhow, being up earlier will help me to have time to blog, and I'm exited about that. I can sit at the computer after Steve leaves for work, while Dallin eats breakfast and gets ready, and that gives me 30-45 minutes of computer time at my leisure, and I sure appreciate that.
Stay tuned for more adventures in house-sitting!
Friday, February 13, 2009
I'm so grateful no one was hurt, no one was home or came home to find the people still in our home. I'm grateful Heavenly Father was watching over Steve and keeping him busy elsewhere. I hope this never happens to any of you.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A to Z, From Me
Blogging has become one of my favorite pastimes, but I usually do it at work.
Cats are lot less smelly than dogs. Steve and I are not dog people.
Drawing is not my forté, but I enjoy it. I know I would get better if I did it more often, but I get discouraged that I'm not as naturally talented as my brothers.
Elementary school was where I got all my height. I haven't grown more than 3 inches since 5th grade, I was taller than my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Laffy. I'm taller than my husband, too.
Flynn is a fun name to inherit, it rhymes with a lot more things than Smith does.
Google is the number 1 tool on the Internet. I love that I can link my e-mail, blogs, calendar, news, pictures, and search engine. Everything just meshes so well!
Haircuts are one of those things where I understand I should tell the stylist exactly what I want and bring pictures, but I still often say, "Please help, I don't know what to do. I need a change and I trust you not to make me look awful." Don't say this. They always make you look awful when you say this.
I love to read cookbooks and the recipes in magazines.
Jeopardy is one of my favorite dinner-time shows. I prefer not to watch TV during dinner most of the time, but once in awhile it is fun.
Kissing is fun anytime. Even during dinner.
Large families make me happy. I love hearing about other people's large families, and I read several blogs from people with large families. I hope to have one myself, someday.
Mom and Dad are names that are hard to apply to people you didn't grow up with, but for me it is just the remembering part. I often stumble when I call my in-laws Mom and Dad, but not because I don't want to, its because I forget!
Nursery is a really fun calling, and as an added bonus you learn to appreciate Relief Society (and adults in general) more, as well.
On my 24th birthday my husband threw me a surprise party at my brother's house. He told me he was doing this before he invited anyone to the "surprise" party. My job: act surprised. We had a lot of fun.
Photography and editing photographs are on the top of my list of things I want to learn to be better at. I love photography.
Quilting has become a lot more appealing as I've grown up. I used to shrink from the idea (I hated to be exact in my cutting and seams), but now it is fun and the results are fantastic!
Recently, I have started learning Russian. Steve is a slow teacher, though, because we forget to practice and have a lot of other things we do together. I will, hopefully, be taking a Russian class soon.
Sewing is one of my favorite things to do, but I'm really slow to get things done. I even procrastinate doing things I love.
Time is something there will never be enough of. I am saying this now and I don't even have children yet. Scary thought.
Umbrellas are one of my favorite photography tools. I have a pretty yellow umbrella that I plan on taking millions of pictures with... someday.
Vancouver Washington was the first place I lived without my family. I only stayed there 4.5 months.
When I was very little I went to the hospital a few times, and each time I denied that what my parents said happened had really happened. My parents stories were never investigated.
Xrays would show you I've broken my left wrist, and my right big toe. I don't recommend either, but the wrist was a lot easier to deal with.
Yakima is not my favorite place, but I'm enjoying it much more as an adult than I did as a teenager. I'm sure that most people would say that about the towns they grew up in, though.
Zoos are super exciting places for me. I love to go to the zoo. I have never been to a zoo with Steve.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Amazing Chicken Dinner
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I Won! And I'm Not Pregnant.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Creativity Fettered
I am also finally working on my sister's Christmas present, I'm making her a coat. It is a more extensive tailoring project than I usually tackle. It is going to be fantastic. The sewing machine is out, the ironing board is up, the bedroom is a disaster, and I'm sewing again!
I finally have the time I needed to get some of these things done, I've been home all day for the last 2 days! I can watch TV, read blogs, do some writing of my own, its almost perfect.... except one thing:
I'm sick.
You know, the winter plague- deep chest congestion, sinus headaches, drippy nose, loud cough. All of it. Which means: I'm not getting a heck of a lot done. I'm not at work, because my body won't let me work. So, I try to rest.
I lay there.... thinking about my cake.... about my coat... about my blog... This isn't rest. This is unrest.
Wouldn't it be great to have a few days off, get the to-do list checked off, maybe even go to a mid-week matinee? Too bad I have to use up my sick days on the real thing.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Rock 'em, Sock 'em
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I've decided for my journal this year, I am going to write down at least 1 thing I am thankful for that day, as well as something I learned that day. It is important to me to make sure I'm always learning. I've also started using the prompts from the One Minute Writer when I journal. It helps me to practice my writing skills, and to remember memories I wouldn't otherwise include in my journal. This is definetly the most fun I've ever had keeping a journal!
Here is (part of) my journal entry for today:
January 15, 2009
Today I am thankful for "Honey-do" lists. Steve told me that he likes it when I leave him a list of things to do while I'm at work. And if I leave him a list, he does everything on it. It is fantastic! Today he cleaned up his clothes off the floor, washed our sheets... and I actually can't remember what else, but he loves to be helpful and I love him for it.
Today I learned... the word adjuvant. Well, maybe. We'll see if it sticks. It is a pharmaceutical term which means taking one agent to change the way another agent works. I'm also learning that my supervisor is lazier than I thought!
Today's one-minute writing prompt is "If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?"
I think I would be the world's best cookie-maker. Fancy frosted sugar cookies, jelly-filled thumbprint cookies, oatmeal cookies with the perfect ratio of cranberries to white chocolate chips to pecans. I would make cookes that made tears dry and tummies rumble, that made little eyes grow big and dark eyes sparkle.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Mormon Helping Hands
The state is having a lot of trouble with flooding this year, and we were asked to come serve in Ellensburg this morning helping residents with the problems this has created. We knocked on doors to see who needed help, and what kind, and we helped them to clean-up. Unfortunately a lot of people who could use some help weren't ready for it and wanted us to come back later in the day, so we had to send other groups to help them after we left, but it was a good experience and I felt good about the service we were able to provide. I have a feeling that the same time of help will be needed again soon, and I hope we'll be able to be more help if it is.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Let's Get Christmas Posting Over With, Shall We?
The Kenningtons also had matched jammies. There is something about a bunch of kids matching that is a lot cuter than 2 adults doing the same things.
Christmas morning brought a beautiful snow storm that we thought was going to prevent us from getting home, but the sun came shining through after lunch and we decided to take a chance- the roads weren't great, but we made it without incident. The snow was perfect packing snow, so Lydia, Charlotte, Steve, and I made a big snowman before we left.
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas as well, and now I can get on with current happenings instead of flashbacks!!
Happy New Year from the Flynns!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Stacy Likes Blog Updates
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I am From
I am From
I am from books read by the light in the crack of the door, from Skipper dolls with houses of wood and Ninja turtles spinning on their backs like dreidals.
I am from the grey and blue house painted yellow and green while Mom was in California, in the middle of 24th Avenue, between two old ladies who respectively accepted help in the garden and yelled at you for shoveling their snow.
I am from crocuses popping up in the middle of the snowy yard to announce spring had come, the forbidden afternoons in the maple tree with wooden steps that make it cry.
I am from oysters on holiday mornings with Christmas presents wrapped like animals filling the front rooms, from Smiths and Tolsons and Sunday dinners where Andy and I shared our greatest adventures.
I am from those who cry at the pulpit and baby-sitting should be free so they can attend the temple.
From “she has to come to our house this time” and “will you please vacuum and set the table” and watching mom dance with her broom.
I am from Sundays sitting on pews playing games on paper with brothers, singing hymns and shyly, proudly baring testimony. From reading the scriptures and kneeling in prayer and “sometimes Sunday School answers are the best ones”, from families can be together forever.
I am from Utah and Germany, England and Scotland, sour cream enchiladas and mashed potato mountains.
From a grandpa I met through stories of train rides and not waking up the veterans, and the orphanage he was fleeing. From I’m “helping” dad work in his shop.
I am from photos in albums and boxes becoming digital and put on CD’s, from spending New Years Day giving them labels, and this is my favorite, no this one instead, I remember that, and I hope we go back there again.