Although the idea of sleeping in sounds fantastic, I can't make myself stay in bed past 8 am on the weekends. Often not past 7.
Blogging has become one of my favorite
pastimes, but I usually do it at work.
Cats are lot less smelly than dogs. Steve and I are not dog people.
Drawing is not my
forté, but I enjoy it. I know I would get better if I did it more often, but I get discouraged that I'm not as naturally talented as my brothers.
Elementary school was where I got all my height. I haven't grown more than 3 inches since 5
th grade, I was taller than my 4
th grade teacher, Mrs.
Laffy. I'm taller than my husband, too.
Flynn is a fun name to inherit, it rhymes with a lot more things than Smith does.
Google is the number 1 tool on the
Internet. I love that I can link my e-mail, blogs, calendar, news, pictures, and search engine. Everything just meshes so well!
Haircuts are one of those things where I understand I should tell the stylist exactly what I want and bring pictures, but I still often say, "Please help, I don't know what to do. I need a change and I trust you not to make me look awful." Don't say this. They always make you look awful when you say this.
I love to read cookbooks and the recipes in magazines.
Jeopardy is one of my favorite dinner-time shows. I prefer not to watch TV during dinner most of the time, but once in awhile it is fun.
Kissing is fun anytime. Even during dinner.
Large families make me happy. I love hearing about other people's large families, and I read several blogs from people with large families. I hope to have one myself, someday.
Mom and Dad are names that are hard to apply to people you didn't grow up with, but for me it is just the remembering part. I often stumble when I call my in-laws Mom and Dad, but not because I don't want to, its because I forget!
Nursery is a really fun calling, and as an added bonus you learn to appreciate Relief Society (and adults in general) more, as well.
On my 24th birthday my husband threw me a surprise party at my brother's house. He told me he was doing this before he invited anyone to the "surprise" party. My job: act surprised. We had a lot of fun.
Photography and editing photographs are on the top of my list of things I want to learn to be better at. I love photography.
Quilting has become a lot more appealing as I've grown up. I used to shrink from the idea (I hated to be exact in my cutting and seams), but now it is fun and the results are fantastic!
Recently, I have started learning Russian. Steve is a slow teacher, though, because we forget to practice and have a lot of other things we do together. I will, hopefully, be taking a Russian class soon.
Sewing is one of my favorite things to do, but I'm really slow to get things done. I even procrastinate doing things I love.
Time is something there will never be enough of. I am saying this now and I don't even have children yet. Scary thought.
Umbrellas are one of my favorite photography tools. I have a pretty yellow umbrella that I plan on taking millions of pictures with... someday.
Vancouver Washington was the first place I lived without my family. I only stayed there 4.5 months.
When I was very little I went to the hospital a few times, and each time I denied that what my parents said happened had really happened. My parents stories were never investigated.
Xrays would show you I've broken my left wrist, and my right big toe. I don't recommend either, but the wrist was a lot easier to deal with.
Yakima is not my favorite place, but I'm enjoying it much more as an adult than I did as a teenager. I'm sure that most people would say that about the towns they grew up in, though.
Zoos are super exciting places for me. I love to go to the zoo. I have never been to a zoo with Steve.