Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

Last night was the annual Yakima 3rd Ward Halloween party. This year is was co-labeled "Apple Festival." That just means they made Apple Cider.

Steve and I dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Cat in the Hat. I made our one-piece sleeper pajamas.

We also decorated our trunk for the "Trunk or Treat." It rocked. I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but we connected a black light back there and had jack-o lanterns and all. We rock, its true.


TheSmithZoo said...

I love your trunk! I wish you could come and help us for or trunk or treat tomorrow, I am uninspired! It will be fun anyway.


Angela said...

Yes, you do rock. It's true.
The kids always want us to decorate the trunk but usually I don't even pass out candy. I give it to someone else and I walk the kids around.

I love your costumes! So cute! I love Halloween.