Monday, September 29, 2008

First Time Fun

Well, the first day of a new job is as good as any to start a blog, I suppose, so here I go.

I started working for Medical Associates of Yakima today, and I'm very excited. A little nervous too, of course. This will triple our income! What a welcome realization. Steve and I both deliver pizzas for Domino's, as well, and Steve is working with my dad in the mornings. Work, work, work, all day long!

Steve got hurt at work today. He got nailed in the cheek by a dough tray and has quite a lump. He is going to end up with a shiner, for sure. Good thing he has naturally rosy cheeks.

Otherwise, I think we are enjoying being in Yakima for now. We both received church callings yesterday. Steve will be teaching Sunday School for the 14 & 15 year olds, and I am assisting in the nursery. Amazing how much more well-behaved 3 year olds are than 14 & 15 year olds!
We are still waiting on Steve's acceptance letter from Western Washington University, but we'll keep you posted on that. Hopefully we'll be moving to Bellingham in January and he will start classes winter semester and I'll be starting another new job!
No more new news around here, but I suppose that is enough for now. Until next time!