Angie asked me to write some things that are more specifically about me, and since it is a slow day at work today, I thought I would.
I was the "Little Red-Headed Girl" in my high school's production of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown." I was no longer attending that school at the time, but I was dating "Linus." I wore a short denim dress and leggings, making me look very pregnant. No wonder Charlie Brown blushed everytime he looked at me!
When I was 17 I testified in front of the House of Representatives as a proponant of the "Bully Bill" in behalf of the PTSA. I mostly spoke about my own experiences in the public school system. The bill was eventually passed into law, and the legislative process became very real to me.
My first car was a 1980 Datsun V210. I bought it from a guy living in a storage shed, and I'm pretty sure I was the first person to take it out of Yakima. It was so small that I could park in the cart return at Fred Meyer. It lacked power steering, so I developed really strong arms. The transmission died in 2004 when I towed in improperly to Utah. U-haul took the blame for not telling me I did it wrong and gave me some money. That was nice of them, I had to sell my car to the junk yard for $50.
I once sued JoAnn Fabrics (don't hate me, Angie!) for discrimination. I only accepted the money for lost wages, although I was pressured to try and get more out of them. I just wanted them to change their policies, though.
I've seen every Harry Potter movie on opening day, most of them at midnight. I've also dressed up for most of them. The same goes for the last 3 Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings series. I love movie lines. People are silly and excited, everyone plays games and eats pizzas together. The weirder you are, the cooler they think you are, because they are all weird too. Its lovely. I actually enjoyed the movie lines more than most of the movies!
Did I surprise anyone? Am I the same girl you thought I was before you started reading?